Sunshine Coast, QLD

Our caring funeral directors serve the communities of Caloundra, Nambour, Coolum Beach, Bli Bli, Buderim and Woombye. For affordable packages and respectful service, call us 24/7.

About Sunshine Coast funeral home

Simplicity Mobile Funeral Arranger
Sunshine Coast, Queensland

24/7 Phone
07 5493 5222

Mon--Sun: by appointment

We’ve made everything as simple as possible by also offering a dedicated Mobile Arranger service, fully equipped to arrange a complete funeral service at a location of your choosing, whether it be a family home or the local cafe.

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How would you like to honour your loved one?

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Other local options

Wherever you decide to hold the funeral service in a church or a place that held special significance to your loved one, our team will help you arrange a service that celebrates your loved one’s life.

If you’re ready to begin, you can give us a call and we’ll help you get started.